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Social responsibility

Creating values for society

The social responsibility policy is a cornerstone of our company’s work. We are committed to creating social value in a way that is consistent with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and strive to contribute as much as possible to achieve them.

We recognize the importance of supporting and collaborating with our society and consciously identify the areas we need to focus on. Just as we and our employees are important to the development of society, society is also important to us.

Our goal is to improve the standard of living of local residents and make valuable contributions in the fields of education, health, environment, sports and culture. We cooperate with local institutions and organizations and help in local development projects. We support initiatives and charitable causes through donations, scholarships, programs and events that can positively impact all stakeholders.

The key areas of the company’s socially responsible practices, as well as the strategic goals for strengthening Borov Dol’s efforts to contribute to the economic, social and environmental spheres and the principles of their implementation, are detailed in our social responsibility policy.